In each visit I use proven techniques that involve targeted stretches, myofascial release work, and gentle adjustments to restore proper biomechanical and neurological balance with timely healing of ligaments, tendons, and muscles.
In my office, chiropractic isn’t about the adjustment alone. Although the benefits of ‘moving joints’ have been documented, it is only one component to what I believe is complete chiropractic care. Other components which are necessary for thorough care include:
- Unrushed time spent with you
- Good bedside manners and a warm welcome
- Exchange of knowledge in a way that you completely understand
- Knowing when NOT to treat, where a referral may be better suited for your condition.
- Treatment of surrounding tissues, over the joints, that greatly affect the function of the joints.
- Treating all parts of the body, not just the spine (i.e., ankles, feet, wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, etc.)
- Knowing when to stop treatment if there isn’t any improvement, and re-evaluate the condition.